2023 Virtual Show
Thank you to everyone who made our second annual virtual show a huge success! From sponsors to judges and exhibitors and spectators, we could not have done it without the help and support of everyone.
Final numbers for the 2023 show:
-1768 total birds
-279 exhibitors across 40 states and 4 different countries
I found out from an exhibitor that they didn't receive their plaque... and checking the tracking number, it looks from the tracking numbers provided by the company that at least five plaques were "reported as damaged" by UPS and never made it. I am working with the awards company as well as UPS to reship another batch. Everything was shipped out back in August, so they should all be there by now.
I know my PO is notorious as well for damages without notifying either party, so if you received yours or are still missing awards, please let me know either way so I can make sure they all are accounted for, especially the champions and reserves with cash prizes!

Thank you to our 2023 sponsors that made this show possible and kept entries free. They are all small businesses, families, and individuals that contributed to pay for judges, awards, and software to make this happen.
-Southwest Gamebirds
-Thieving Otters Farms
-Jessie Sullivan
-Paducah Azul Farm
-Misfits Farm and Homestead
-Bryant's Roost
-Bumbalough Hollow Farm
-Dream Valley Poultry
-C&B Coops
-Valerie's Pheonix Farm
-American Ohiki Association
-Zhen, Chicken Rheiki
-Lenora Fairbanks
-Keep Cluckin'
-Hidden Pines Homestead
-William Foster
-Quirky Quail Homestead
-Squeaky Crow Poultry and Rabbitry
-Coup Deville Farms
-Kesa's Rainbow Farm
-Little Creek Farms
-H.H.Farms and Hatchery
-Fluffy Bottom Farm and Hatchery

Congratulations to all of the following exhibitors and their birds for making it to the champion row! The overall Reserve and Grand Champions are listed here with their exhibitors. Photos will be filled in of the bird, with their exhibitor and awards as they are sent in. Galleries of all exhibitors with their birds and/or awards are at the bottom of the page!

Champion Tibetan: Rylee Tardiff Reserve Tibetan: Rylee Tardiff

Champion Italian: Kaila Fuentes Reserve Italian: Lily Carvell

Champion Overall quail: Lucy Kahn, with her Pearl Fee Reserve Champion: Kalia Fuentes with her Italian 2nd Runner Up: Lucy Kahn with her Rosetta Honorable mentions: Rylee Tardiff-Manchurian and Tibetan Braden Fuentes-Pharaoh Nicholas Peters-Manchurian Lucy Kahn-Roux

Champion Tibetan: Rylee Tardiff Reserve Tibetan: Rylee Tardiff
Judged by Johnathan Morrison
To see the full judging and feedback, see here.
Champion: Lucy Kahn, Pearl Fee
Reserve: Kalia Fuentes, Italian
Honorable Mentions:
-Rylee Tardiff, Manchurian and Tibetan
-Braden Fuentes, Pharaoh
-Nicholas Peters, Manchurian
-Lucy Kahn, Roux
Judged by Izzy Dietzler
The full judging and all feedback can be found here.
Champion: Lilly Brezak -- Pheonix
Reserve: Nicholas Peters -- Orpington
Runner Up: Rylee Holloway
Honorable Mentions:
Jozzlyn Hefty – Cochin
Dani Thibodeaux – Minorca
Ali Blickenderfer– Light Leghorn
Lilly Brezak – Polish
Tiffany Cusick – Brahma

Judged by Ryne Crosswait
The full judging and all feedback can be found here.
Champion: Layne Baldwin
Reserve: Jozzlyn Hefty
Runner Up: Ellie Taylor
Honorable Mention:
-Owen Rice
-Misty Thibedoux
-Tiffany Cusick
Judged by Martin Yardley
The full judging and all feedback can be found here.
Champion: Heather Deleo
Reserve: Angelica Kahn
Runner Up: Rebecca Lynch
Distinguished Exhibitor: Angelica Kahn
Honorable Mentions;
-Rebecca Lynch (Pharaoh)
-Lenora Fairbanks (AOM)

Judged by Phil Bartz
The full judging and all feedback can be found here.
Champion: Jeff Shenk (White Leghorn)
Reserve: Jeff Shenk (Reserve Leghorn)
Runner Up: Susan Buchanan (Jersey Giant)
Honorable Mention:
-Izzy Dietlzer (Blue Ameraucana)
-Peje Wayne (Brahma)
-Blake Phillips (Cornish)
Judged by Dave Anderson
The full judging and all feedback can be found here.
Champion: Brandon Taylor
Reserve: Ryne Crosswait
Runner-Up: Susan Buchanan
Honorable Mentions:
-Leslie German

Judged by Breanna Patz
Champion Showman: Ryne Crosswait 94 / 100
Reserve Champion Showman: Hannah Thomas 92.5 / 100
3rd: Jessica Cusick 91 / 100
4th: Riley Wanket 88.5 / 100
5th: Tiffany Cusick 83.5 / 100
6th: Lillie McIntosh 70 / 100
7th: Gavin Kay 69 / 100
8th: Brookelyn Bilge 65 / 100
9th: Micheal Cusick 64 / 100
10th: Grant Kay 62.5 / 100
11th: Gunnar Kay 36 / 100
Appearance ( 20 / 100 )
Handling/Examination ( 20 / 100 )
Knowledge of Own Bird ( 20 / 100 )
General Poultry Knowledge ( 40 / 100 )
Total points: 100
Meet the exhibitors--see the faces and names behind all of the birds above, and all of the hard work along with some of the awards they've earned.
Calling all exhibitors: we want to see pictures of you with your birds and awards! Send photos via the message button or email to be featured here and on our Facebook page.