These are the comments and results of Day Twenty-Three of the March Madness poultry judging. For previous pairings, instructions, and a copy of the bracket, please see our other "blog" posts. All of the participant comments are available on our FB page and previous posts here.
Breanna's Comments:
Got the results in late last night! I was personally a bit surprised by them, but happy to finally post them nonetheless.
I would have chosen the Grey Call Male here to advance for waterfowl. As much as Franklin is a good representation of a Khaki, there just is very little to find wrong with the call. I loved he shape and type, he's got the width, he has the depth, he looks like a little tugboat. Coloration is obviously very good, there could be a bit cleaner of a line separating the breast transition into the lower body, but I love the shade and the lighting is right to catch it. The bill is almost a bit too short (it is supposed to be short on calls), but it does look like it is angled.
Franklin is just a bit shallow in the breast, not enough to really be a detriment, but enough to place him down for me when looking at the really competitive type on the call.
Top Participant Evaluations:
"GCM99 to me stands out as the better of these two drakes. I appreciate the compact precision the call brings."
-Catherine Cleveland
"Call duck takes the win on this...very nice body shape for a call duck...great body color..bill shape and bill color..head shape..khaki has pretty good shape...head and tail color are a little too dark...but overall this is a very nice khaki..just not as good as the call."
-Emmy Lineweaver
"The Khaki Campbell has excellent type with a long, slender body and head. Truly the epitome of a light duck. In this picture, however, he seems to lack some depth to his body, especially his breast, though I think that may be the angle of the photo. He also doesn’t have perfect condition. The Call, meanwhile has too long of back and too high of eye. But he shows perfect condition. Perhaps with a better picture or condition the Campbell could win this match. But I will have to go with the Call."
-Jada Spiegel
Breeder Comments:
Judge's Evaluations:
"Franklin takes the win here." Judge Brian Decker