This is Day Four of the March Madness poultry judging. For previous pairings, instructions, and a copy of the bracket, please see our other "blog" posts here.
This is the final species of bird: coturnix quail! While quail are not currently recognized by the APA, the American Coturnix Breeder's Association (ACBA) is working on creating a standard and establishing shows for them. Quail have been a part of the Pips 'n Chicks virtual show every year, including this one!
These two are both pharaoh, one of the classes for our show. This is the "purest" form of color, or the absence of any other colorations and mutations. If you're struggling with placing them, start with the production aspects and shape of the bird, ignoring the color for now. You can also see our video last year with Mr. Yardley's comments to get an idea of what an "ideal" quail should look like:
Comment your placings and reasonings below.
These are our breeders -- You can find more about them in here.