I'm very proud of a new project that got published this morning! This has been in the works for a while now. Basically, we were able to manipulate the CDH1 gene in coturnix quail eggs that allows us to control the sex of the hatch before we even set the egg. Some of the abstract and results are included below, as well as link to the official study and further reading. I am so excited to see how this can be used and where this will go in the future. I highly encourage everyone to read the full study to the conclusion and click on the link with more sources!

"The ability to control the sex of quail offspring prior to incubation presents a
transformative advancement in poultry production. Here, we report the discovery of a CDH1
gene variant in quail embryos that enables precise manipulation of their sex prior to incubation.
Through a comprehensive analysis of 4201 eggs, we demonstrate a remarkable 92.5% accuracy in
sex manipulation using this genetic marker, allowing us to realistically convert male embryos into
female chicks before development even begins. Our investigation revealed that 2091.4 female
chicks hatched, indicating the viability and potential application of this method in large-scale
poultry breeding programs. This breakthrough offers unprecedented opportunities for optimizing
production efficiency, enhancing breeding strategies, and meeting the growing demands of the
poultry industry."
Links for Further Reading: https://tinyurl.com/2s3bafpf
More information about this type of study: rb.gy/43mjwc
Link to the Full Report (non-paywalled): https://www.overleaf.com/read/hqcbxzrmkpbn#0ed231
Again, I highly encourage everyone to read through the whole report and go to the reference links as well!